Learn Practical Web Design Tips & Techniques

Package Comparison Chart

Use the chart below to compare the various packages that KillerSites offers. Still have questions? Feel free to contact us.

Complete Web Designer

Complete Web Programmer

Web Design for Small Business

Complete Adobe Web Training

Complete Wordpress Training

Video Course Price $99.99 $99.99 $149.99 $99.99 $49.99
Beginners Web Design $29.99
CSS Layouts $24.99
CSS Lists *
HTML Forms *
HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery $29.99
Dreamweaver CS6 $49.99
Dreamweaver and Wordpress $29.99
Dreamweaver CSS Layouts $24.99
Photoshop CS6 $49.99
Photoshop for the Web $29.99
Beginners PHP $39.99
MySQL, SQL, and PHP $24.99
PHP CRUD and Pagination *
PHP Login *
PHP Tag Cloud *
PHP Shopping Cart $39.99
PHP OOP Discussion *
PHP Login using OOP and MVC *
PHP and JS Form Validation *
Advanced PHP $29.99
Advanced MySQL *
Beginners Javascript $39.99
Beginners jQuery $24.99
Beginners Wordpress $29.99
Wordpress Themes From Scratch $29.99
Small Business Podcasts *
*   not available in any individual video courses!

First of all allow me to congratulate you on such a phenomenal job with the PHP videos...I have about 4 yrs looking such type of tutorials, not web monkey nor any other site has offered what you so generously share with others. It is like almost being in class with you.

Thanks A Million Stefan


Thanks you so much for taking the time to make these videos. I have watched them all, and found them to be extremely useful, sensible and interesting (from "don't reinvent the wheel/ seek open source solutions," to "dress code advice," to "be the sort of solution for your clients that you would hope to find as a client").

I look forward eagerly to future entries in this series. I am a web designer in the process of setting up a business, and your series came at just the right time.

Julia H.

Loved it! Simple and easy to follow

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