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Background:I started my first company when I was 18, with no money and no connections. I was able to reach financial independence after a YUGE amount of trial and error. This course will help you avoid common mistakes, and reach your goals in a fraction of the time.
The 3 elements of business success:There are 3 basic skillsets you need, to be a successful entrepreneur:
- Core business skills
- Money management and financial skills
- Psychological skills
If you understand and follow these lessons, it’s almost guaranteed you will achieve a level of success that will probably surprise your friends, pets and family members.
Course structure:Lessons come in video and mp3 format, so you can learn the way you want. I’ve also included a PDF outline of the lessons. Watch or listen to chapters in any order. The lessons follow the following structure for fast learning:
- Lesson summary
- The details and story behind the lesson
- Action plan (when it makes sense) - how to use the lesson in the real world
Stefan Mischook - July 2018
Table of Contents:
Total Running Time: Nearly 4 hours of video and audio ... for listening on the go!
Total File Size: Just 280 Megs for FAST download!

Complete Entrepreneur Course
- The categories of business
- 10 business ideas
- How to pick your business
- Finding your niche
- How most rich people get rich
- Bootstrapped business vs raising money
- Stef’s Top 3 Business Truths
- Partners or no partners?
- Working at home vs working at an office
- Hiring people to work for you
- Buying equipment for your business
- Developing business workflows to increase profits and reduce headaches
- Long term money management
- How to bill clients, how to get paid
- Psychology of an entrepreneur
- Business Myths
- Principles of FYM